Friday, July 30, 2010

Storyboarding my research

Another way to think of what I'm studying in my doctoral program in EPET at Michigan State is not only through writing text but also through composing video.  I attempted to explain the general idea of some research I'd like to do and to make the research compelling.  The act of storyboarding and editing the video actually helped me to refine my topic.  Usually when I think about ideas through different media it helps me think about it more clearly.  I think the video mode helped me do that.


Jessica Wicks said...

Chris - I was just surfing around the web this evening and I watched your digital story. Very nice! Clear, concise, and compelling. I hope you had the chance to enjoy some of the weekend. :)

April Niemela said...
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April Niemela said...

Hey, Chris! Enjoyable digital story. I really appreciate your point about impact on vs awareness of audience. something to consider...looking forward to hearing more about where you end up taking your research.