On February 5 my photography students will be having their own DIY photo gear film festival. I've written before (and even before that) about how students show themselves to be capable teachers if given the chance; this is another example of what happens when we put students more in charge of their own learning. The assignment was to create some do-it-yourself photography gear on a shoestring budget. For example, the video below shows how one of my students created a stabilizer for $25, a piece of equipment that could run as much as much as $200 if purchased retail.
Here are some of the other student videos: Lupita, Cassadey, Gaby, Evan, Sean, Claire, Sarah, Allegra and Steven. One of the common denominators in these projects is the joy that can be seen in the making of these projects. Of course they also learned a lot in the process. The next step in this sequence is for these same students to use these pieces of equipment in the documentary they're producing this quarter. Should be interesting.